Pray for Meredith

Archive for July 22nd, 2009

Meredith actually got to play Wii tennis this morning in therapy.  She is off of her blood pressure medication now but they are increasing the pain/nerve medicine for her foot.  That means she has 2 morning meds and 3 at night — the lowest amount yet!

Laura Campbell has been wanting to come visit this week, and will hopefully come tomorrow.  She is having some emotional moments with the lack of stability that she’s had to deal with.  But a week from today, Lord willing, we will be back home again adjusting to real family life again.  What mercies He has shown us!

Meredith’s story

Eight year old Meredith has been in the hospital since April 27th, first in a medically induced coma and now for continued occupational and physical therapy. The doctors were baffled for over 3 weeks and didn't know what had caused her seizures and illness.

On May 13, Meredith was diagnosed with Acute Necrotyzing Encephalopathy after being transferred to Cincinnati Children's Hospital the day before.

On June 1, after slowly being eased off her anti-seizure meds over the course of many days, Meredith started rehab. The doctors estimate that she may be released in mid-July.

Please pray that Meredith continues to improve and respond with her therapies and pray for continued strength for Meredith's parents, sister and extended family.

July 2009