Pray for Meredith

What is ANE?

Meredith was diagnosed on May 13, 2009 with Acute Necrotyzing Encephalopathy (ANE for short.)

From Pub Med: Acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood represents a novel entity of acute encephalophathy, predominantly affecting infants and young children living in Taiwan and Japan. It manifests with symptoms of coma, convulsions, and hyperpyrexia after 2 to 4 days of respiratory tract infections in previously healthy children. The hallmark of acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood consists of multifocal and symmetric brain lesions affecting the bilateral thalami, brainstem tegmentum, cerebral periventricular white matter, or cerebellar medulla. The etiology and pathogenesis of this kind of acute encephalopathy remain unknown, and there is no specific therapy or prevention.

3 Responses to "What is ANE?"

My prayers are with your daughter and family. My son was diagnosed with medulloblastoma (brain cancer) as age 13. He is now a 11 year survivor. After that my one and only daughter ( I have 6 sons 1 daughter) was born 3+ weeks early and DX with hypotonia of unknown etiology. I was told she would never walk, talk or make it to age 2. I was even told how she would die. But this mom after being told such grim news thought no matter how heavy a cross God gives me I will always keep the faith that he will not give us more then we could handle. That lighting may strike twice so to say. That I would get my second miracle. I did my daughter is now 9 years old and doing well. Then my faith was tested again. My baby boy was born at 31 weeks. I was told all though my pregnancy he would have downs syndrme and was harassed to abort(which was not something I would ever do) He was born (no downs syndrome) but many problems,he lived in the NICU 2 months and 2 days. He is developmentally delayed. had 2 brain bleeds, has ACC, severe GI problems failure to thrive,and other problems but he is alive. And I was granted my “3rd Miracle” Our roads were very hard and scary, and heart wrenching is an understatement. Never give up hope Miracles do happen. The power of prayer and the love of a parent is very powerful. I will ask God to give you too the miracle he gave me for your little girl. Please feel free to e mail anytime if you need a shoulder to lean on.
Much love

Thank you for sharing your miracles with other Pilgrim People. May God be praised.

May God bless and heal you Meredith. You are his beautiful & precious child. He loves you so very much as well as your parents and family.

My heart was immediately touched when Kerri asked for prayers for you a few weeks ago. I thought of Nicole, an 18 year old close family friend who went from a healthy college freshman in 2006 to a young lady in a drug induced coma by the next day like you. Many wonderful doctors were never really able to diagnose her illness with any certainty. She was also in a Cincinnati hospital and remained there for a long time. Nicole’s heart and lungs were greatly affected by her illness. Her brother recorded all her favorite music on a CD and her mother played it in her hospital room everyday along with reading her favorite books and all her email to her, even though they weren’t sure if she could hear them. (Nicole now says she does have some memory of the music and books. So I think it’s great that your parents are doing the same for you.) Her grandmother did reflexology on her feet to stimulate her organs so that she could continue working toward getting better. I firmly believe that God hears our prayers and pleadings for healing and answers them. Nothing else would explain how she is once again a healthy college student at OSU. She also had to do a lot of rehab to get her strength back but it was all worth it and some of it was even fun.

I pray that God will answer all the prayers that are being said for your healing and answer them as soon as possible so that you too can get back to being an 8 year old girl with lots of activities, school, and fun to look forward to.

God bless you & your family,
Brooks Meador

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Meredith’s story

Eight year old Meredith has been in the hospital since April 27th, first in a medically induced coma and now for continued occupational and physical therapy. The doctors were baffled for over 3 weeks and didn't know what had caused her seizures and illness.

On May 13, Meredith was diagnosed with Acute Necrotyzing Encephalopathy after being transferred to Cincinnati Children's Hospital the day before.

On June 1, after slowly being eased off her anti-seizure meds over the course of many days, Meredith started rehab. The doctors estimate that she may be released in mid-July.

Please pray that Meredith continues to improve and respond with her therapies and pray for continued strength for Meredith's parents, sister and extended family.

May 2024