Pray for Meredith

What started it all?

The content on this page is the same as the post titled, “What started Meredith’s hospitalization.”

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Praying friends, I need a task right now and know some of you are caught up on Meredith’s condition and some may not even know she’s in the hospital. To give a brief rundown, she’s been sick since Friday and I took her to doctors Sat., Sun. and Monday when she was finally admitted. Each of those days there were new symptoms or worsening symptoms of what was only presumed to be a viral infection or a drug reaction to Bactrim which she had been on for a skin infection that was healing.

The UK Children’s hospital began treating her early Monday for a high fever, abdominal pain and a rash and began IV fluids and doing blood work to determine a cause. Later Monday her temperature returned to normal, but there were increased liver enzymes, which tells us that organ is involved – to what extent we don’t know just now. It does not appear to be structurally damaged and is not failing.

Monday night new symptoms emerged: vomiting, diarrhea, overall weakening and lack of response and communication. Still, we were in a private room, were not considered critical and expected to talk with specialists Tuesday morning.

But early Tuesday morning she had two seizures. From that point on, she’s been in ICU — out of my hands and in many specially trained medical ones. Some test results have come back, many others are still pending. All are beginning to come together like pieces of a puzzle for the doctors, but that complete picture is still unclear to them. They do now believe that it’s unlikely this was NOT caused by the Bactrim, although since that’s not 100% certain she will never have that medication again.

The hematologist and immunologist agree after seeing the results of the bone marrow culture that it’s most likely 2 things going on:

  1. something in the body was a trigger that caused
  2. her body’s immune system to over-react in attacking it.

It’s called macrophage activating syndrome. So, the question remains as to what was that trigger – a virus, bacteria, and what kind? That’s why each test result that filters in gives them more clues, but some tests take a while to come back.

One new possibility comes from the results of her MRI which showed some brain abnormalities. I hope to talk to the neurologist in a few hours to learn more about it, but basically signs there indicated a possible herpes infection on the brain – which could explain the seizures. And such an infection could be what the body over-reacted to. But they want to see what other viral and bacterial results come in before making that call. Plus the results of the spinal fluid (maybe coming in Wed.), may confirm herpes. Whatever that leading trigger was, they have begun IV treatments to stop the inflammation caused by the macrophage activating syndrome. If that treatment is successful we will start to see some improvements – it’s hopeful at this point but not 100% certain that the treatment will work. If they learn what the initial infection was, they can treat that too.

So we pray for more answers to better enable them to treat her. They are monitoring her organs closely, so we’re praying no more become involved. And the questions surrounding the MRI brain abnormality results are still unknown. She is sedated to better allow her body to rest and heal while the machines do some work for her and to prevent further seizing. Anti-viral medication and antibiotics are being given since the initial infection is still unknown. Thank you for your prayers. We believe in God’s sovereignty and that he hears his people’s cries and shows them mercy.


2 Responses to "What started it all?"

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Just wanted to let you know that our family is praying for Meredith and for the whole family. We also have dear, Godly prayer warrior Costa Rican friends (in Costa Rica) praying for her healing!!! May the peace of God that passes ALL understanding guard your hearts and your minds, and may angels minister to sweet little Meredith even while she rests!!!! With love, Heather & Steve
Ian, Tyler, and Matthew

Dear Fellow Christians,

I heard of your situation via Maya’s folks…

Has Meredith consumed the artificial sweetner “Aspartame?” Sadly, it is present in a vast array of commonly ingested candies, foods, and etc. and it sounds to me as though the symptoms she has presented are consistent with many other reports related to Apartame.

You can find a very large collection of information here:

I have prayed for Meredith’s health and deliverance today. 🙂



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Meredith’s story

Eight year old Meredith has been in the hospital since April 27th, first in a medically induced coma and now for continued occupational and physical therapy. The doctors were baffled for over 3 weeks and didn't know what had caused her seizures and illness.

On May 13, Meredith was diagnosed with Acute Necrotyzing Encephalopathy after being transferred to Cincinnati Children's Hospital the day before.

On June 1, after slowly being eased off her anti-seizure meds over the course of many days, Meredith started rehab. The doctors estimate that she may be released in mid-July.

Please pray that Meredith continues to improve and respond with her therapies and pray for continued strength for Meredith's parents, sister and extended family.

May 2024