Pray for Meredith

Archive for January 26th, 2010

On Fridays the 3rd graders at Trinity Christian Academy are required to say their weekly Bible memory work.  Most recently they’ve been memorizing the Apostles’ Creed (over a few weeks).  Last Friday they had to say it in full.  Meredith hasn’t been doing memory work, but on Friday she raised her hand and wanted to say it.  So standing in front of the class, she said it with very little help from Mrs. Stone. 

I’m not surprised that she knew the Apostles Creed because we say it every Sunday in church and have for years.  But I think her classmates were surprised and I think they were also proud of her.  I wasn’t there, but I heard that the whole class applauded for her when she finished.  Meredith said that made her stomach hurt and embarrassed her, but I tear up just imagining that moment.  I’m sharing this story not to brag on Meredith, although I am proud of her and happy to see her confidence and abilities growing.  But mostly I am overwhelmed at that class of third graders and their compassion  for Meredith.  They know she’s been through a lot and that she’s a little different now, but they still love her and encourage her everyday.  I am so thankful for them and for our school.

Meredith’s story

Eight year old Meredith has been in the hospital since April 27th, first in a medically induced coma and now for continued occupational and physical therapy. The doctors were baffled for over 3 weeks and didn't know what had caused her seizures and illness.

On May 13, Meredith was diagnosed with Acute Necrotyzing Encephalopathy after being transferred to Cincinnati Children's Hospital the day before.

On June 1, after slowly being eased off her anti-seizure meds over the course of many days, Meredith started rehab. The doctors estimate that she may be released in mid-July.

Please pray that Meredith continues to improve and respond with her therapies and pray for continued strength for Meredith's parents, sister and extended family.

January 2010